Fargo Parking - the basics
Below is general information about parking in Fargo. As always, if you have further questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact us HERE.

Parking Basics includes general unsigned restrictions that you may remember from when you acquired your driver's license. Use the links on the left for more detailed explanations and information regarding each topic.
The City of Fargo has policies in place regarding parking on private property. Please take pride in your property and neighborhood by complying with this ordinance.
As our seasons change, so do seasonal parking restrictions throughout the City of Fargo. Theses policies are in place to allow for snow removal in winter months which range from November 1 to April 15.
Accessible parking is available according to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
If you are issued a Parking Citation from the City of Fargo; you can pay for your ticket, find a ticket appeal form if you disagree with the citation and learn more on towing and impounding vehicles
Improper parking on public streets can lead to a citation. Fargo City ordinances prohibit stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle in the following places:
Pedestrian Way: vehicles are not allowed to park on or across a sidewalk or crosswalk. Vehicles are not allowed to park within 10 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection.
Fire Hydrant: vehicles may not park within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.
Too close to a Stop Sign or Traffic Signal: vehicles may not park within 15 feet of a stop sign or traffic light.
Railroad Crossing: vehicles may not park within 15 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing.
Blocked Driveway: vehicles are not allowed to park in front of a public or private driveway, including parking to encroach upon the radius of the driveway. This includes in front of or in any alley, although you may stop in an alley to load or unload freight or merchandise.
Commercial vehicles are allowed to double park for the purpose of loading or unloading freight, only as long as absolutely necessary, but not between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. (8-1005)
To report a parking problem on a public street or in an alley, call the Police Department at 701-235-4493
The City of Fargo, along with the Downtown Community Partnership (DCP), Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) and Fargo Downtowners are working together to address Downtown parking issues. Limited Downtown on-street parking means those planning a stay longer than the typical 90-minutes should use off-street parking facilities.
A goal of Downtown parking is to provide more customer-friendly parking. Time Zones are in place to encourage people to move their vehicle to increase parking turnover and availability for Downtown businesses, customers and visitors.
Time Zones
"Time zone" parking is only in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Outside of these hours, the time zone restrictions do not apply. Time zone restrictions also do not apply on City of Fargo holidays. (8-1006.)
The time zone starts when the vehicle is parked, not when a community service officer marks the tire. Vehicles do not have to be chalked to be monitored in time zones. When the allowed time specified by the time zone sign has elapsed and a vehicle is moved and parked again within the same block, the vehicle is considered to have remained stationary. A vehicle continuing to park at the posted time zone may receive multiple citations for each separate violation. Source: 1965 Rev. Ord. 8-1006, 1450 (1972, 2019 (1981), 3086 (1999).
15-Minute Zones
15-Minute Zones are designated to facilitate loading and unloading of merchandise and short stops but are only to be used for as long as is necessary. There are several restrictions on loading/unloading for trucks outlined in the Fargo Municipal Code (8-1005):
It is unlawful to load or unload freight or merchandise from a semi-trailer between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. or between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.
It is unlawful to load or unload freight or merchandise from a semi-trailer on all principal and minor arterial roadways.
It is unlawful to park or permit any vehicle to stand so that it is backed against the curb except when actually loading or unloading freight or merchandise.
Handicapped Parking
Mobility impaired placards and plates are valid only in designated parking areas identified in blue and are subject to posted time limits. They are not valid in no parking or loading zones, or for parking in violation of the posted time limit.
The cost for snow removal doubles in an area when crews have to go back and plow it after illegally parked vehicles have been moved. Citizens can help reduce costs and remove snow more quickly by complying with the seasonal parking restrictions.
Seasonal night parking restrictions are in place from November 1 through April 15 (city ordinance 8-1009) and restrict parking on the street between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. These restrictions allow city employees to remove snow and perform critical street maintenance. Street signs noting the restrictions are located in the affected areas. These areas are:
From 19th Avenue North to 13th Ave S;
From the Red River to 25th Street North and South; and
Any other area designated by the appropriate signs. These areas include sections of the city where parking is restricted on Fridays and the central business district, which has year-round downtown overnight parking restrictions.
The night parking restrictions apply on alternate days:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays: east/west avenues
Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays: north/south streets
Additional Seasonal Restrictions (November 1 - April 15) were appoved in 2011 limiting parking to one side of the street or avenue. Street signs noting the restrictions are located in the affected areas. These areas are:
From 12th Avenue North to I-94; and
From the Red River to 25th Street North and South, including the Madison Neighborhood
These additional restrictions were enacted to ease congestion on narrow streets allowing for snow removal equipment to function safely and efficiently. Restrictions also ensure ample space for fire department equipment to safely reach homes in times of emergency.
All seasonal parking policies will be actively enforced, especially during times of snowfall. Vehicles violating the policy may be impounded and ticketed by the Fargo Police Department or Street Department.
If you have questions about this policy, please call 241-1453
Handicapped placards/plates:
Handicapped placards and plates are valid only in marked handicapped parking areas. They are not valid in no parking or loading zones. Placards should be displayed by hanging it from the rear view mirror.
Displaying a handicapped placard or plate does not exempt the driver from the posted time zones either when posted in a designated handicapped space or when parked in any on-street parking space
The City of Fargo and area businesses value our downtown customers. Fargo has a "Re-Parking" ordinance to ensure on-street parking spaces are available when customers visit Downtown. The City does not allow drivers to move their car from one parking space to another space on the same block when parking time limits are expired. This practice limits the availability of parking for others.
Please remember:
Moving your vehicle from one space to another on the same block does not restart the time zone. When the posted time-limit restriction has elapsed and the vehicle remains parked or is parked again in the same block (see diagram), the vehicle will be considered stationary and eligible for a parking ticket. (Ordinance 8-1006)
Parking Lots are available for people who wish to park for periods longer than time zones permit. Short-term and daily parking options are identified in the POP Lots on the Parking Made Easy map.

Streets within the Central Business District, which includes the area from the Red River west to University Drive and from the 5th Avenue North (Old Great Northern tracks, presently Burlington Northern Railroad tracks) to 1st Avenue South, have overnight parking restrictions throughout the year. Vehicles or trailers parked in violation of overnight parking restrictions may be ticketed or impounded by the police department.
East - West Avenues restrict on-street parking between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
North - South Streets restrict on-street parking between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings.
"After-hours" FREE parking is available in city-owned surface lots between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. with exception of special events.
If you are looking for a place to park after normal business hours, parking in a city-owned surface parking lot is free. In these lots, you may park for free between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. Monday through Friday and on weekends (except in the case of special event parking):
3rd St Lot
Civic Ramp (Free from 5 p.m.-3 a.m.)
Parking in yards and on driveways generates many calls to Fargo City Hall. Here are some rules to keep in mind:
The only acceptable parking spots in the front yard are on a private driveway or driveway approach.
Your vehicle may not extend over any portion of the sidewalk or into the street.
Your vehicle must display a current license.
The vehicle must be maintained in a drivable condition.
You may receive a parking ticket if you are in violation of these ordinances. To report a parking problem on private property, e-mail or call the Inspections Department at inspections@cityoffargo.com or 701-241-1561. If you received a parking ticket from an inspector, you may appeal the ticket using our form. Bring or mail the form to the Inspections Department with a copy of the ticket.
If you have parked your vehicle illegally, the inspector may choose to notify the property owner and the registered owner of the violation by mail rather than issuing a parking citation. That letter will specify a deadline by which the issue must be corrected. Should the vehicle remain illegally parked, the vehicle may be towed under City of Fargo ordinance.
The Inspections Department contracts with Fargo-Moorhead Towing to remove these vehicles. You may reach them at 701-850-7347 on how to retrieve a vehicle after it has been towed. In general, you will need to show current registration and insurance before they will release an impounded vehicle
The Parking Commission's mission is to "manage, provide, promote and maintain safe, convenient, accessible, attractive and reasonably priced parking facilities that will meet the need of downtown businesses, employers, residents, and visitors". This commission was created in 1999 by the Fargo City Commission after completion of the Downtown Fargo Parking Study (PDF).
Commission members meet on the last Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 225 4th Street North.
Meetings are broadcast live on cable channel TV Fargo 56 and can be seen live by video stream on www.cityoffargo.com/streaming. They are rebroadcast each Wednesday at 8 p.m., Friday at 9 a.m., and Sunday at 7 p.m.
People with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting and need special accommodations should contact the Planning Office at 241-1474 or TDD at 241-8258. Please contact us at least 48 hours before the meeting to give our staff adequate time to make arrangements.
2003 Downtown Parking Study (PDF)
2007 Parking Study Update (PDF)
Mike Williams (Chairperson)
Randy Thorson
Austin Morris
Brian Hayer
Jay Krabbenhoft